Warehouse and logistics management for creoven: Specialist partner webtotrade

Parcel creoven
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Could this be your order already? Logistics partner webtotrade provides reliable and fast service.

Sindy is working for the logistics company webtotrade GmbH, making her also responsible for handling creoven orders. She tell us:
"I have been part of the team since 1 January 2011 and hopefully will be able to continue working here until I retire (in 100 years or so) : )

Personally I feel connected to the company due to the familiar atmosphere. We have been on first-name basis since day one and things are very harmonious (with a few exceptions, but they are justified). Personal matters are considered and respected, which is very appreciated.

Summer in the fan business is quite a stressful time. But we are a well-coordinated team and communicate directly with each other, we can overcome this time as well, and I still have a lot of fun at work. The overtime we collect during this season is also not a bad thing, because it allows us to take a day off or go home early if there is not much work to do.

I don’t exactly have one favourite product from creoven, but there are a couple of fans that I find visually appealing. I was particularly fond of the Colonial fan made by Faro, I really liked the blades.β€œ
Colonial fan
The Colonial fan is not produced anymore.

Best wishes from webtotrade,